Treasures of the Hohenbuchau Collection

One of the finest private collections of Northern European Baroque art, the HOHENBUCHAU COLLECTION is currently being showcased at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. The focus of the exhibition is seventeenth-century Netherlandish painting with its typical range of genres including history painting, portraits, landscapes, genre scenes and still lifes. Flemish painting is represented with outstanding works by its major artists, including Brueghel, de Momper, Rubens and Jordaens. Great names such as Ter Brugghen, Goyen, Ruisdael, Claesz and Cuyp demonstrate the analogous quality of contemporaneous Dutch painting. These are accompanied by superb works by less well-known artists. Thus the HOHENBUCHAU COLLECTION affords a coherent impression of the high standing and wealth of Netherlandish art production in its golden age.
Since December 2007 the HOHENBUCHAU COLLECTION has been administered by the Princely Collections on a permanent loan basis. The exhibition at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart focuses on a comprehensive ensemble of more than 70 Netherlandish works that attests impressively to the coherence and quality of the collection.