Welbeck. Paragon un Barbe. Fol. 6 from the book 'Methode et Invention Nouvelle de dresser les chevaux'
Welbeck. Paragon un Barbe. Fol. 6 from the book 'Methode et Invention Nouvelle de dresser les chevaux'
Pieter van Lisebetten (1630–1678)
Designer: %K1838
Author of the book:
William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Newcastle (1593–1676)
this site may contain automatically translated text![Welbeck. Paragon un Barbe. Blatt 6 aus dem Buch: Methode et Invention Nouvelle de dresser les chevaux […]](/var/site/storage/images/_aliases/artwork_main/2/7/3/9/829372-32-ger-DE/061adad31b0a-GR05862_w_G01_22053_RGB.jpg)
- Material/technique
- engraving
- Measurements
- 442 × 540 mm
- Acquisition
- historical family property
- Artists/makers/authors
- Engraver: Pieter van Lisebetten
- Designer: %K1838
- Author of the book: William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Newcastle
- Inventory number
- GR 5862
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
Bez. oben Mitte: WELBECK.
Bez. oben rechts: Page 19.
Bez. Mitte rechts in der Kartusche: La Maison de WELBECK appartenant / à Monseigneur le Marquis / de NEWCASTLE, le quel est dans la Province de / NOTTINGHAM.
Bez. unten Mitte: Paragon un Barbe.
Bez. unten rechts: 6. / Abr. a Diepenbeke delineavit. / Petr. van Lisebetten sculpsit.
- Provenance
- historical family property
- Place of origin
- Antwerp
- Iconography
- Horse
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