Confronted by the smoothness of surface and meticulous detail of this painting, it may come as something of a surprise that Dou was Rembrandt’s first pupil, although it has to be admitted that even his earliest productions are considerably less painterly than the works of his master. Indeed, he is regarded as the founding father of the school of ‘fijnschilders’ (fine painters) in his and Rembrandt’s home town, Leiden, where he spent his entire career.
Dou shows the violinist, who is this work’s protagonist, bowing his instrument and looking intently sideways to his right towards a birdcage, presumably as he strives to accompany its inhabitant’s warbling song. This form of emulation is matched by the painter’s imitation of the physical appearance and surface texture of the material universe, in which a stone relief, an oriental carpet, the curling pages of a leather-bound tome, and the violinist’s hair and flesh are all artfully observed and differentiated. A sense of the depth and gloom of the space beyond is conveyed by the inclusion of a seated man wearing a hat smoking a clay pipe and an apprentice standing up to grind colours in front of an easel with a painting upon it. If the violinist is also an artist, then the way his left arm and his instrument almost seem to enter our space may be interpreted as mocking the pretensions of the rival art of sculpture, here represented by a brilliantly rendered counterfeit of a much-reproduced actual relief composition of putti tormenting a goat by the Flemish artist François Duquesnoy.
- Material/technique
- oil on oak panel
- Measurements
- 31.7 × 20.3 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1998 by Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Gerard Dou
- Inventory number
- GE 150
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
Sign. und dat. unten Mitte: GDOV (GD ligiert) 165(3)
Siegel: rückseitig Reste eines roten Siegels
- Provenance
- before 1723 Philippe Duc d'Orléans collection; 9 June 1729 auction "feu S.A.R. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans" Paris, lot 27; before 1798 Louis Philippe Joseph Duc d'Orléans; 1798 auction of the collection in Paris; 1792 Thomas Moore Slade collection, London; 1793 presumably auction of the Moore Slade collection at Pall Mall, London; 1793 John Davenport collection, London; 21. 2. 1801 auction of the Davenport collection, Christie's, London, lot 90; before 1803 collection Richard Walker, Liverpool; 5. 3. 1803 auction of the collection at Christie's, London, lot 6, acquired in 1801 by Birch; 21./22 March 1815 Phillips auction, London, lot 173; possibly Phillips auction, London, 2/3 June 1815, lot 46; pre-1837 Charles Duc de Berry collection, Paris; 5 April 1837 Berry collection auction, Palais d'Elysées, Paris, lot 59; pre-1846 Héris collection, Brussels; auction of the same on 19 June 1846 in Brussels; collection of the same on 19 June 1846 in Brussels. 6. 1846 in Brussels; Baron Alphonse de Rothschild Collection, Paris; Alex Wengraf, London; 1980 Joseph Ritmann, Amsterdam; Nordmann Gallery, Maastricht and London; private collection, Maastricht; acquired from Galerie Nissl, Eschen || a known person || in 1998.
- Place of origin
- Holland
- Iconography
- Musician
Otto Naumann, Frans van Mieris The Elder (1635-1681). Text & comparative Illustrations (Aetas Aurea. Monographs on Dutch & Flemish Painting, I), Bd. 1, Doornspijk 1981, S. 58, Abb. 59 (als datiert 1651)
Ausst.-Kat. De Hollandse fijn schilders.Van Gerard Dou tot Adriaen van der Werff, Peter Hecht, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 18.11.1989–25.2.1990, erschienen Amsterdam 1989, S. 46–51, Kat. 6
Leidse Fijnschilders.
Van Gerrit Dou tot Frans van Mieris de Jonge, 1630-1760, Zwolle 1988, S. 101-103, Abb. S. 102, Detailabb. S. 4, Kat. 10
L.F. Du Bois de Saint Gelais, Description des tableaux du Palais Royal: Avec la vie des peintres à la tête de leurs ouvrages, Paris 1727, S. 179
J.B. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands, allemands et hollandais, Paris 1754, S. 224
J. Smith, A Catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish and French painters, Bd. 1, Bd. Bd. 1, London 1829, S. 25, Notiz 74, im Supplement S. 17, Kat. 51
J. Smith, A Catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish and French painters, Bd. 4, (supplement), Bd. Bd. 4, London 1835, Kat. 51
E.W. Moes, Iconographia Batava, Amsterdam 1897, S. Bd. I, Nr. 2096.4 (Selbstbildnis)
W. Martin, Het leven en de werken van Gerrit Dou, Leiden 1901, S. 208, Kat. 173 (als datiert 1651)
C. Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten holländischen Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts, Bd. I, Bd. Bd. 1, Esslingen-Paris-London 1907, S. 392, Kat. 154 (als datiert 1651)
W. Martin, Gérard Dou, sa vie et son oeuvre, Paris 1911, Kat. 83
Wilhelm Martin, Gerard Dou. Des Meisters Gemälde in 247 Abbildungen (Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben ), Bd. 24, Stuttgart - Berlin 1913, S. 183 (als datiert 1651)
A. Joubin, Les dessins originaux de la galerie du Palais Royal, in: Gazette des Beaux-Arts 66 1924, S. 174
N. MacLaren, The National Gallery Catalogues. The Dutch School, London 1960, S. 105
H.-J. Raupp, Musik im Atelier: Darstellungen musizierender Künstler in der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts, in: Oud Holland 92 1978, S. 109-110
W. Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, Bd. I, Bd. Bd. I, Landau 1983, S. 532, Nr. 278, Abb. S. 575 (als datiert 1651)
H.J. Raupp, Untersuchungen zu Künstlerbildnis und Künstlerdarstellung in den Niederlanden im 17. Jahrhundert, Hildesheim 1984, S. 240
R. Baer, The Paintings of Gerrit Dou (1613-1675) Diss. New York University, New York 1990, Kat. 63
W. Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler (Nachträge 2), Bd. VI, Bd. Bd. VI, Landau 1994, S. 3597
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Le Collezioni, München 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 402-403, Kat. X.25
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Vienna. The Collections, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 402-403, Kat. X.25
Wayne Franits, Dutch Seventeenth-Century Genre Painting. Its Stylistic and Thematic Evolution, New Haven - London 2004, S. 116f., Abb. 102
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Die Sammlungen, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 402-403, Kat. X.25
Ausst.-Kat. Der Fürst als Sammler. Neuerwerbungen unter Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Liechtenstein Museum, Wien 12.2.2010–24.8.2010, erschienen Wien 2010, Abb. S. 206, S. 207
Ausst.-Kat. I Tesori del Principe / Princely Treasures / Les Tresors du Prince. Capolavori delle Collezioni del Principe del Liechtenstein, Johann Kräftner, Gabriele Accornero (Hg.), Forte di Bard, Bard 9.12.2011–31.5.2012, erschienen Bard 2011, S. 92, Abb. 93
Lara Yeager-Crasselt, Michael Sweerts/Francois Duquesnoy: A Flemish Paragone in Seventeenth-Century Rome, Leeds 2011, S. 119, Abb. Fig. 5
Ausst.-Kat. Splendeurs des Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein / Splendours of the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Alexandra Hanzl, Kathrine Klopf-Weiss, Johann Kräftner, Brigitte Lackner, Michael Schweller, Arthur Stögmann, Johann Kräftner, Caroline Messensee (Hg.), Palais Lumière, Evian 4.6.2011–2.10.2011, erschienen Montreuil 2011, S. 103, Abb. S. 107
Ausst.-Kat. Masterworks from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), The National Art Center, Tokyo 3.10.2012–23.12.2012; The Museum of Art, Kochi 5.1.2013–7.3.2013; Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto 19.3.2013–9.6.2013, erschienen Tokyo 2012
Ausst.-Kat. Princely Treasures from the House of Liechtenstein, National Museum of Singapore, Singapore 27.6.2013–29.9.2013, erschienen Singapore 2013, S. 114, Abb. 115, Kat. 44
Johann Kräftner, Die Schätze der Liechtenstein. Paläste, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Wien 2013, Abb. S. 382
Johann Kräftner, The Treasures of the Liechtensteins. Palaces, Paintings, Sculptures, Vienna 2013
Ausst.-Kat. Crown of the Alps. Masterworks from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, National Palace Museum, Taipei 17.4.2015–31.8.2015, erschienen Taipei City 2015, S. 268–269, Kat.-Nr. 99
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens and Other Masters. Paintings, Sculptures and Objects of the Prince of Liechtenstein, National Museum of Korea, Seoul 12.12.2015–10.4.2016, erschienen Seoul 2015, S. 249, Kat.-Nr. 100
Ausst.-Kat. Johannes Vermeer. Vom Innehalten, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Stephan Koja, Uta Neidhardt, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. (Hg.), Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden 10.9.2021–2.1.2022, erschienen Dresden 2021, S. 109, Abb. 6