The Victory of Henry IV at Coutras
Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)
c. 1628
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The oil sketches 'Henry IV Seizing the Opportunity to Conclude Peace' and 'The Victory of Henry IV at Coutras', whose dimensions are almost identical, are clearly related to the same project, which evidently never came to fruition. The left-handed gestures of the figures in the upper zone of the first of them make it tempting to propose that they were intended for reversal, presumably for tapestries, although it should be noted that this does not apply to the depiction of the principal warrior in the corresponding section of the second one. Be that as it may, the notion of a connection with a planned commemoration of the life of King Henry IV of France as a sequel to the cycle of paintings – now in the Louvre, but originally in the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris – celebrating the life of his widow, Marie de Medici, is generally accepted.
In each case, the composition is divided into two tiers: up above is a scene represented as if on a fictive tapestry or hanging, while down below are respectively a single figure and a pair of figures. In the first sketch, the scene shown on the tapestry involves Favourable Opportunity (Occasio in Latin), who is identified by her eminently seizable forelock, being pushed forward by Saturn and encouraged by Peace to link her lot with the bearded military figure crowned with laurel on the right. Below on earth is the semi-nude laurel-crowned personification of Vigilance, who has a serpent (emblematic of Prudence) at her left wrist, and a club (emblematic of Strength) in her right hand. In addition, the eagle – more generally associated with Jupiter – symbolises her sharp-sightedness. The second sketch is more straightforward, with Horatius Cocles defending the bridge up above, and personifications of Military Honour (a man crowned with laurel, holding a baton of command in his right hand and a cornucopia in his left, with a breastplate at his feet) and Martial Virtue (a woman wearing a helmet, and holding a lance and a dagger, and resting her feet on a sleeping lion).
- Material/technique
- oil on oak panel
- Measurements
- 64 × 50 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Sir Peter Paul Rubens
- Inventory number
- GE 101
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- Siegel: unten rechts F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733, in Schwarz rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Schwarz, rückseitig zwei Siegelreste in Rot
- Provenance
- first documented as an entailed estate by the seal of 1733, mentioned in the inventory of the estate of Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein of 1733, presumably acquired in 1712 by him
- Iconography
- The victory of Henry IV at Coutras , Allegory/Personification
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