The Discovery of the Infant Erichthonius
Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)
c. 1616
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The story of Erichthonius, which is clearly about fertility, is exceptionally bizarre, even by the standards of classical mythology. He was born as a result of the conjunction of the seed spilled by Vulcan, the smith of the gods, falling onto Gaea (Mother Earth) during his unavailing pursuit of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. According to the ancient accounts, the consequence of the unnatural manner of his conception was either that Erichthonius was born in serpent form or that he was attended by serpents, but in art he is sometimes shown – as here – with legs that terminate in snakes. He was placed in a sealed basket and entrusted by Minerva to Herse, Aglauros, and Pandrosos, the three daughters of Cecrops, the king of Athens, with strict if inevitably disobeyed instructions never to open the basket. In most versions of the narrative, the girls were so horrified by what they found that they committed suicide, but Rubens would appear to have based his treatment on Ovid’s 'Metamorphoses', where they are spared.
Attempts have been made to explain various embellishments to the bare bones of the story, and above all the inclusion of the prominent old woman attending to Herse (who subsequently wed Mercury), but they remain distinctly baffling, and are not explained by the differences between this final version and the vibrant preliminary oil sketch in the Courtauld Institute Gallery in London. On the other hand, it does seem plain that on one level Rubens’s principal ambition was to offer his unknown patron a luscious display of female flesh, since nothing in Ovid requires the carefully differentiated daughters of Cecrops to be shown nude beside a fountain adorned with a sculpture of the many-breasted Diana of the Ephesians. By this device, the artist has conspired to make them fulfil a role more commonly assigned – not least by Rubens himself – to the Three Graces, or to the three goddesses in the Judgement of Paris.
- Material/technique
- oil on canvas
- Measurements
- 218 × 317 cm, weight: 101.0 kg
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1701 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Currently exhibited
- Garden Palace, permanent presentation
- Artists/makers/authors
- Sir Peter Paul Rubens
- Inventory number
- GE 111
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- Siegel: unten rechts Reste des F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegels von 1733 in Schwarz, rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733
- Provenance
- acquired in 1701 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein from the art dealer Marcus Forchondt, Vienna
- Place of origin
- Antwerp
- Iconography
- Classical mythology
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