The Continence of Scipio
The Continence of Scipio
Frans Francken the Younger (1581–1642)
Hans III. Jordaens (1595–1643)
after 1621
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- Material/technique
- oil on panel
- Measurements
- 98 × 140 cm
- Lender
- Hohenbuchau Collection, on permanent loan to LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vienna
- Artists/makers/authors
- Frans Francken the Younger
- Hans III. Jordaens
- Inventory number
- HB 50
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- unten links bez.: Frans Francken
- Iconography
- Roman History
Peter Sutton, The Hohenbuchau Collection. Holländische und flämische Gemälde aus dem goldenen Zeitalter, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Wien 2011, S. 156, 158-159, Abb. 157, 159-161, Kat. 29
Peter Sutton, The Hohenbuchau Collection. Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Golden Age, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Wien 2011, S. 156, 158-159, Abb. 157, 159-161, Kat. 29
Peter Sutton, The Hohenbuchau Collection. Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Golden Age, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Wien 2011, S. 156, 158-159, Abb. 157, 159-161, Kat. 29
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