The Admittance of Psyche to Olympus
Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)
c. 1621
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Rubens was one of the greatest decorative painters of all time, and understandably enough was hugely in demand as a painter of cycles for the ceilings and walls of grand, as often as not royal, residences. Following the precedent of such Venetian artists as Paolo Veronese (1528–88), he did not execute such works in fresco in the central Italian manner, but instead on large-scale canvases that could be inserted into elaborate framing elements. All such projects required careful planning, and in addition to making preliminary drawings on paper, Rubens was an unprecedentedly prolific exploiter of the possibilities of the coloured oil sketch, in his case habitually on wood panel.
The present work is just such a sketch, and both the circular format of the principal design and the way the way the figures are shown sharply foreshortened and seen as if from a worm’s eye viewpoint – for which the Italian term ‘di sotto in su’ (upwards from below) is often employed – leave no doubt that it was a first idea for an element for a ceiling, and very possibly for its centrepiece. The subject concerns the reception of Cupid’s beloved, the mortal Psyche, into the realm of the gods, presided over by Jupiter with his eagle. It does not appear that the invention was ever used on an actual ceiling, and it has been suggested that it may represent an abortive first idea for the Banqueting House on Whitehall, whose ceiling was ultimately executed by Rubens in 1625. Stylistic evaluations indeed match this suggested time of creation. They place it between 1621, after Rubens’s work in the Antwerp Jesuit church, and 1628. However, most recently, the painting is considered to be connected to the ceiling decoration Rubens designed for York House, the home of the Duke of Buckingham, following their encounter 1625 in Paris.
- Material/technique
- oil on panel
- Measurements
- 63 × 48 cm
- Acquisition
- presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Currently exhibited
- Garden Palace, permanent presentation
- Artists/makers/authors
- Sir Peter Paul Rubens
- Inventory number
- GE 117
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- Siegel: auf der Vorderseite links unten F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Schwarz, rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Schwarz, rückseitig Doppeladlersiegel mit L und Jahreszahl 16.. in Rot
- Provenance
- first documented as an entailed estate by the seal of 1733, presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Iconography
- The Admission of Psyche to Olympus
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