Survey map of the forestry district of Eibesthal in Lower Austria
Survey map of the forestry district of Eibesthal in Lower Austria
Head of the mapping office and chief forester:
Johann Thomas
Mapping trainee:
Alois Frank
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- Material/technique
- Pencil; pen, ink, coloured
- Measurements
- 91 × 66 cm
- Acquisition
- historical family property
- Artists/makers/authors
- Head of the mapping office and chief forester: Johann Thomas
- Mapping trainee: Alois Frank
- Inventory number
- PK 328
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
Sign. unten rechts: Mappierungskanzlei Feldsberg im Jahre 1854 Johann Thomas Mapp. Leiter
Bez. oben links: Uibersichtskarte des Eibesthaler Waldamtes, zusammengestellt von Oberförster Johann Thomas und Mappierungspraktikant Alois Frank
- Provenance
- historical family property
notification text
notification text