St Jerome
Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641)
c. 1615/16
this site may contain automatically translated text![Der heilige Hieronymus](/var/site/storage/images/_aliases/artwork_main/9/2/1/9/49129-155-ger-DE/941a491da9be-GE00056_R01G01_FLRGB_22099.jpg)
One of the most extraordinary artistic prodigies of all time, Van Dyck was already painting pictures of remarkable authority while still in his teens. There has been a tendency in the past to try to date them extremely precisely, but the truth is that there are too few fixed points for this to be possible, and that the young artist was almost certainly exploring a variety of different approaches at any given moment. More generally, the broad dependence of these works upon the example of his master, Rubens, is readily apparent and unsurprising, as is their ultimate debt to Titian.
The present canvas shows the early Christian church father, Saint Jerome, who was best known for having lived as a hermit in the Syrian desert and for having produced the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible. Here he is shown in the wilderness, writing with a quill pen and with a huge but cuddly-looking lion and a musty pile of tomes at his feet. The lion, together with his red cardinal’s robe, both refer to apocryphal legends associated with him, since he was said to have extracted a thorn from the foot of a lion which then befriended him, and also to have been a cardinal in Rome. Arguably what is most striking about the work is the absolute assurance of its touch: the oil medium is employed with tremendous freedom to suggest different textures, and above all to delineate the gnarled feet and sagging belly of the aged anchorite.
- Material/technique
- oil on canvas
- Measurements
- 158 × 131 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1710 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Currently exhibited
- Garden Palace, permanent presentation
- Artists/makers/authors
- Anthony van Dyck
- Inventory number
- GE 56
- Provenance
- acquired in 1710 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein from the art dealers Marcus Forchondt and Jacomo van Bedts, Vienna
- Iconography
- St. Jerome
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