Portrait of Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1717–1780)
Martin van Meytens (1695–1770)
Giuseppe Camerata (1718–1803)
this site may contain automatically translated text- Material/technique
- engraving
- Measurements
- 576 × 344 mm
- Acquisition
- historical family property
- Artists/makers/authors
- after Martin van Meytens
- Giuseppe Camerata
- Inventory number
- GR 4271
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
Bez. unten links: Martinus de Meitens pingebat.
Bez. unten rechts: Joseph Cameratta incidebat.
Bez. unten Mitte: Maria Theresia Rom: Imperatix Regina Hung: Bohem: &.&. / Semper Honos, Noménque tuum, Laudésque manebunt. Virg: Egl: 5 (Immer wird deine Ehre, dein Name und dein Ruhm bleiben, Vergil, Aeneis 1, 609)
- Provenance
- historical family property
- Iconography
- Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780)
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