Portrait of a Woman
Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641)
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The fact that the teenage Van Dyck dated this pair of portraits of a husband (GE 70) and wife (GE 71) is extremely significant, since 1618 was not only the year when he became a master in the Guild of Saint Luke in his native Antwerp, but also the year when he reached his majority. Moreover, as a master he was entitled to sell his own works. At this early date, Van Dyck could have had no idea how overwhelmingly his professional practice would be dominated by portraiture, but his supreme gifts in that direction are already impressively apparent.
Both subjects are shown standing three-quarter length, and face slightly inwards towards one another. The overall arrangement of the figures and the generally sombre colouring, which however is enlivened by passages of white for cuffs and ruffs, as well as by the paper in the man’s right hand, are conventional enough, but where Van Dyck already impresses is in his ability to capture a likeness and in his psychological insight, not to mention in his command of the oil medium. The only real weakness is the man’s lifeless left hand, which was painted out at one stage and recently recovered during restoration, and has even provoked the unconvincing suggestion that it is meant to represent an artificial limb.
In terms of their technique, it has been pointed out that this pair of pictures are surprisingly dissimilar, even being fractionally different in their dimensions, but the main discrepancy concerns the fact that the background of the male portrait is both darker and much more solidly painted than that of its female counterpart. Some commentators have sought to associate this with the lightening-fast evolution of the young genius, but another possibility might be that the portrait of the wife was an afterthought and had to be completed in a hurry.
- Material/technique
- oil on panel
- Measurements
- 105 × 76 cm
- Acquisition
- presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Currently exhibited
- Garden Palace, permanent presentation
- Artists/makers/authors
- Anthony van Dyck
- Inventory number
- GE 71
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
dat. oben links: Ao.1618.
bez. oben rechts: AET.58.
Siegel: rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Rot
- Provenance
- first documented as an entailed estate by the seal of 1733, presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Iconography
- female portrait, not identified
Johann Dallinger von Dalling, Description des Tableaux, et des Piéces de Sculpture, que renferme la Gallerie de son Altesse François Joseph Chef et Prince Regnant de la Maison de Liechtenstein, Vienne 1780, S. 217, Kat. 662
Johann Dallinger von Dalling d. Ä., Catalogus, Manuskript verfasst 1805–1807, Kat.-Nr. 755
Jacob von Falke, Katalog der fürstlich Liechtensteinischen Bilder-Galerie im Gartenpalais der Rossau zu Wien, Wien 1873 , S. 19, Kat. 146
Jacob von Falke, Katalog der fürstlich Liechtensteinischen Bilder-Galerie im Gartenpalais der Rossau zu Wien, Wien 1885, S. 12, als Rubens, Kat. 71
Wilhelm von Bode, Antoon van Dyck in der Liechtenstein-Galerie, in: Die Graphischen Künste, Bd. 12 (1889), S. 32–52, S. 44–45
M. Rooses, Rubens' Leben und Werke, Stuttgart-Leipzig 1890, S. 317 (als Rubens)
W. Suida, Die Gemäldegalerie der K.K. Akademie der bildenden Künste. Die Sammlungen Liechtenstein, Czernin, Harrach und Schönborn-Buchheim, Stuttgart 1890, S. 86
Wilhelm Bode, Die Fürstlich Liechtenstein'sche Galerie in Wien, Wien 1896, S. 42-43
Wilhelm Bode, Anton van Dyck als Mitarbeiter des Peter Paul Rubens, in: Rembrandt und seine Zeitgenossen, Leipzig 1906, S. 268 (als Van Dyck)
Emil Schaeffer (Hg.), Van Dyck. Des Meisters Gemälde (Klassiker der Kunst, 13), Stuttgart–Leipzig 1909, S. 131
Heinrich Rosenbaum, Der junge Van Dyck (1615-21), phil. Diss., München 1928, S. 15-17
H. Rosenbaum, Ueber Früh-Portraits von van Dyck, in: Cicerone 20 1928, S. 332
Gustav Glück (Hg.), Van Dyck. Des Meisters Gemälde (Klassiker der Kunst, 13), 2. Aufl., New York 1931, S. XXXIII, 81 u. 528
Adolf Kronfeld, Führer durch die Fürstlich Liechtensteinsche Gemäldegalerie in Wien, 3. Aufl., Wien 1931, S. 28-29, als Rubens, Kat. 71
L. van Puyvelde, Van Dyck, Brüssel 1950, S. 112, 123, 127, 129, 137
Ausst.-Kat. Flämische Malerei im 17. Jahrhundert. Ausstellung aus den Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein, Gustav Wilhelm, erschienen Vaduz 1955, S. 14, Kat. 71
Ludwig von Baldass, Some Notes on the Development of van Dyck's Portrait Style, in: Gazette des Beaux-Arts 50 1957, S. 256-257, Abb. 3
A. McNairn, Ausst.-Kat. The Young Van Dyck, Ottawa 1980, S. 7, 116, Abb. 2
E. Larsen, L'opera completa di van Dyck, Bd. 1, Bd. Bd. 1, Mailand 1980, S. 96, Kat. 162
H. Schinzel, Raumprobleme des Ganzfigurenporträts in England von 1600 bis 1640, Frankfurt 1980, S. 114 f. u. 130 f.
Reinhold Baumstark, Ausst.-Kat. Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections, New York 1985, S. 308-309, Kat. 196
Walter Liedtke, Flemish Paintings in the Collection of the Princes of Liechtenstein, in: Tableau 8 1985, S. 77
E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, Bd. I, Freren 1988 1988, S. 164-165, Abb. 83b, Bd. 2, S. 13, Kat. 9
Susan Barnes, Ausst.-Kat. Anthony van Dyck, Washington 1990, S. 87-89, Kat. 5
Ausst.-Kat. Anthony van Dyck, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Susan J. Barnes, Julius S. Held (Hg.), National Gallery of Art, Washington 11.11.1990–24.2.1991, erschienen Washington 1990, S.87-89, Kat. 5
Ausst.-Kat. Van Dyck. Paintings, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Susan J. Barnes, Julius S. Held (Hg.), National Gallery of Art, Washington 11.11.1990–24.2.1991, erschienen Washington–London 1990, S. 87-89, Kat. 5
Ausst.-Kat. Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein, Uwe Wieczorek, Paul Reiles, Jean Luc Koltz (Hg.), Museée national d'histoire et d'art Luxembourg, Luxemburg 8.7.1995–3.9.1995, erschienen Luxemburg 1995, S. 134–136, Kat.-Nr. 98
Ausst.-Kat. Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein, Uwe Wieczorek, Paul Reiles, Jean Luc Koltz (Hg.), Musée national d’histoire et d’art de Luxembourg, Luxemburg 8.7.1995–3.9.1995, erschienen Luxemburg 1995, S. 72, Nr. 98, Abb. S. 117, Textband S. 134-136, Kat. 98
Christopher Brown, Ausst.-Kat. Van Dyck 1599-1641, Antwerpen 1999, S. 111 u. 113, Kat. 10
Ausst.-Kat. Van Dyck 1599–1641, Christopher Brown, Hans Vlieghe (Hg.), Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen 15.5.1999–15.8.1999; Royal Academy of Arts, London 11.9.1999–10.12.1999, erschienen London–Antwerp 1999, S. 111–113, Kat.-Nr. 10
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Le Collezioni, München 2004, S. 363, Abb. S. 332, Kat. IX.5
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Vienna. The Collections, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 363, Abb. S. 332, Kat. IX.5
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Die Sammlungen, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 363, Abb. S. 332, Kat. IX.5
Susan J. Barnes, Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar, Horst Vey, Van Dyck. A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, New Haven–London 2004, S. 113 u. 689, Kat. I.119
Ausst.-Kat. Antoon van Dyck Portraits, Alexis Merle du Bourg, erschienen Bruxelles 2008, S. 29, Abb. 12
Ausst.-Kat. El joven Van Dyck , Alejandro Vergara Friso Lammertse (Hg.), erschienen Madrid 2012, S. 134/5, Abb. 137, Kat. 16
Johann Kräftner, Die Schätze der Liechtenstein. Paläste, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Wien 2013, Abb. S. 347
Johann Kräftner, The Treasures of the Liechtensteins. Palaces, Paintings, Sculptures, Vienna 2013
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein (Book Series for the National Museum of China International Exchange), Lu Zhangshen (Hg.), National Museum of China, Beijing 5.11.2013–15.2.2014, erschienen Beijing 2013, S. 33, 134, 135, 136, 137, Abb. 137, Kat. 50
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Shi Dawei (Hg.), China Art Museum, Shanghai 12.3.2014–2.6.2014, erschienen Shanghai 2014, S. 205, S. 209, Kat.-Nr. 50
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Ausst.-Kat. Von Rubens bis Makart. Die Fürstlichen Sammlungen Liechtenstein, Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Hg.), Albertina, Wien 16.2.2019–10.6.2019, erschienen Köln 2019, S. 147–149, Kat.-Nr. 34
Ausst.-Kat. From Rubens to Makart. LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Hg.), Albertina, Wien 16.2.2019–10.6.2019, erschienen Köln 2019, S. 147–149, Kat.-Nr. 34
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