Peasants Making Music
David Teniers the Younger (1610–1690)
c. 1650
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David Teniers the Younger, so called to differentiate him from his notably less talented and infinitely less prolific painter father, was one of the most successful Dutch painters of his time, above all for low-life genre scenes of precisely this type, but also for so-called gallery pictures, in which he accurately recorded the holdings of leading collectors. One such was his patron Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, the governor of the southern Netherlands, to whom the present panel belonged before passing into the hands of Prince Karl Eusebius I von Liechtenstein, who in his turn owned over a dozen paintings by David Teniers the Younger.
No doubt aristocratic patrons enjoyed Teniers’s rose-tinted visions of the cheerful carryings-on of peasants, in this case making music in a humble but far from squalid interior, but what they must have understood set him apart from so many of his contemporaries who peddled similar subject matter was the quality of his painting. The colour scheme of the present work is deliberately confined to neutral tones, but the evocation of light flooding through the deep-set window to the left, and indeed of the contrastingly murky darkness of the doorway over to the right from which a bespectacled old crone half-emerges, is wonderfully convincing. What is more, the range of expressions on the various faces affectionately captured only adds to the very possibly wholly illusory sense that we are prying into an authentic slice of life.
- Material/technique
- oil on panel
- Measurements
- 37.2 × 27.6 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1676 by Prince Karl Eusebius I von Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- David Teniers the Younger
- Inventory number
- GE 525
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- Siegel: rückseitig Doppeladlersiegel mit W und Jahreszahl 1656, rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Schwarz
- Provenance
- 1656 in the possession of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria; acquired in 1656 by Prince Karl Eusebius von Liechenstein on 3 February 1676 from the art dealer Marcus Forchondt, Antwerp ("1 Luytspel van Davit Tenniers").
- Iconography
- Peasant scene , Musician
Richard D. Leppert, David Teniers the Younger and the Image of Music, Antwerpen 1978, S. 87f., Abb. 17
Unbekannter Verfasser, Gemäldeinventar aus dem Nachlass Fürst Johann Adam Andreas I. von Liechtenstein, Manuskript verfasst nach 1712, Nr. 523
Vincenzio Fanti, Descrizzione completa di tutto ciò che ritrovasi nella galleria di pittura e scultura di Sua Altezza Giuseppe Wenceslao del S.R.I. Principe Regnante della casa di Lichtenstein, Wien 1767, S. 46, Kat. 240
Johann Dallinger von Dalling, Description des Tableaux, et des Piéces de Sculpture, que renferme la Gallerie de son Altesse François Joseph Chef et Prince Regnant de la Maison de Liechtenstein, Vienne 1780, S. 101-102, Kat. 292
Johann Dallinger von Dalling d. Ä., Catalogus, Manuskript verfasst 1805–1807, S. Manuskript, Kat. 617
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Gustav Friedrich Waagen, Die vornehmsten Kunstdenkmäler in Wien, Wien 1866, S. 289
Jacob von Falke, Katalog der fürstlich Liechtensteinischen Bilder-Galerie im Gartenpalais der Rossau zu Wien, Wien 1873 , S. 90, Kat. 780
Jacob von Falke, Katalog der fürstlich Liechtensteinischen Bilder-Galerie im Gartenpalais der Rossau zu Wien, Wien 1885, S. 71, Kat. 525
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Walter Liedtke, Ausst.-Kat. Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections, New York 1985, S. 302-303, Kat. 193
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Le Collezioni, München 2004, S. 421, Abb. S. 401, Kat. X.19
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Vienna. The Collections, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 421, Abb. S. 401, Kat. X.19
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Die Sammlungen, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 421, Abb. S. 401, Kat. X.19
Herbert Haupt, Fürst Karl Eusebius von Liechtenstein 1611–1684. Erbe und Bewahrer in schwerer Zeit, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2007, S. 131, Abb. 134
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein (Book Series for the National Museum of China International Exchange), Lu Zhangshen (Hg.), National Museum of China, Beijing 5.11.2013–15.2.2014, erschienen Beijing 2013, S. 173, 177, Abb. 177, Kat. 70
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Shi Dawei (Hg.), China Art Museum, Shanghai 12.3.2014–2.6.2014, erschienen Shanghai 2014, S. 257, S. 263, Kat.-Nr. 70
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens... Meisterwerke der Flämischen Malerei aus den Sammlungen des Fürsten von und zu Liechtenstein, Staatliches Museum für Bildende Künste A. S. Puschkin, Moskau 19.6.2014–19.10.2014, erschienen Wien–Moskau 2014, S. 298-301, Abb. 299, Kat. 52