Hunting Party Resting at the Edge of a Forest
Joris van der Haagen (1615–1669)
3rd quarter of the 17th century
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Joris van der Hagen was taught to paint by his father and was followed in the family business by his son Cornelis and his grandson Johan. He became a member of the Guild of Saint Luke at The Hague in 1639, and was appointed its dean in 1651. A landscape specialist, the figures in a number of his landscapes were executed by Claes Berchem (1620–83).
The present panel is an immaculately preserved example of his art. At its centre is a group of figures whose guns and hounds confirm that they are a hunting party. Only one of their number, who has a hunting horn by his side, is on horseback. For the rest, they are accompanied by a pack-mule, but are otherwise on foot. The most prominent member of the hunt, who is clad in a dashing red coat, is reclining on the ground, while even nearer to us is a solitary dog, which the artist has amused himself by representing cocking its leg.
To the left of the figure group, dark clumps of bushes define the foreground of the composition, while beyond the open flat Dutch landscape stretches away into the distance until it reaches a low blue-grey range of hills. To the right, the foreground is once again open, but is soon closed off by the tall trees at the edge of the forest where they have been hunting.
- Material/technique
- oil on oak panel
- Measurements
- 40 × 50 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 2006 by Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Joris van der Haagen
- Inventory number
- GE 2403
- Provenance
- acquired from Thomas George, 1st Earl of Northbrook (1827-1904) on 26 July 1859 at Christie's, London, lot 68; owned by Lord Northbrook's family until 2006; acquired from Luxury Development Inc., Panama || a known person || in 2006
- Iconography
- Forest Landscape
Ausst.-Kat. Der Blick in die Ferne. Landschaftsmalerei aus den Sammlungen des Fürsten von und zu Liechtenstein. 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert, Johann Kräftner, Alexandra Hanzl, Kathrine Klopf-Weiss, Liechtenstein Museum (Hg.), Kunstmuseum, Luzern, 9.8.2008–5.10.2008, erschienen Wien 2008, S. 153, Abb. S. 105, Kat. 33
Ausst.-Kat. Der Fürst als Sammler. Neuerwerbungen unter Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Liechtenstein Museum, Wien 12.2.2010–24.8.2010, erschienen Wien 2010, Abb. S. 216
Johann Kräftner, The Treasures of the Liechtensteins. Palaces, Paintings, Sculptures, Vienna 2013
Ausst.-Kat. Crown of the Alps. Masterworks from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, National Palace Museum, Taipei 17.4.2015–31.8.2015, erschienen Taipei City 2015, S. 132–133, Kat.-Nr. 41
Ausst.-Kat. Distant Prospects.
European Landscape Paintings from LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi 26.2.2019–25.3.2019, erschienen Abu Dhabi 2019, Abb. S. 108