Fruit Still Life with a Stoneware Pitcher and Silver Beaker
Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606–1684)
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Jan Davidsz. (short for Davidszoon – son of David) de Heem was the most celebrated member of a veritable dynasty of still life painters. He was also arguably the most technically faultless of all the remarkable procession of still life specialists whose best achievements mean that the seventeenth-century Dutch school remains unsurpassed in this genre.
Most still lifes do not consist of a whole variety of miscellaneous objects, but focus instead on a particular category of things, whether animate or inanimate – flowers, fruit, musical instruments, and so on. Many artists who specialised in fruit and flowers took advantage of their colouristic richness to make a splash, but in the present work Jan Davidsz. has very deliberately opted for a muted, low-key approach. The deep purples of the grapes and figs at either end of the table-top frame the sombre yellows, greens, and browns of the peaches, grapes, and walnuts at the centre of the composition. This allows the three vessels that accompany them – a glass of white wine, a blue and white porcelain jug with a metal lid, and a silver beaker on a platter – to stand out, but it is the last of the three that really takes the breath away. The spectacular virtuosity of the reflections on its flawlessly polished surface creates an almost palpable sense of three-dimensionality and physical presence that makes it easy to forget that this magic has been accomplished by nothing more than oil pigment on a wooden board.
- Material/technique
- Oil on panel
- Measurements
- 46 × 65 cm
- Acquisition
- presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Jan Davidsz. de Heem
- Inventory number
- GE 778
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
bez. oben links: J. D. Heem f.A 1648
Siegel: rückseitig unidentifiziertes Wappensiegel in Rot, rückseitig F.-L. Vormundschaftssiegel von 1733 in Rot
- Provenance
- first documented as an entailed estate by the seal of 1733, presumably acquired in 1712 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein
- Place of origin
- Holland
- Iconography
- Still life of fruits
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