David with the Head of Goliath
Giovanni Francesco Susini (1585–1653)
c. 1625/30
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Giovanni Francesco – or Gianfrancesco – was the nephew of Antonio Susini, whom Giambologna acknowledged as the supreme manufacturer of his own bronzes, of which Gianfrancesco too made superlative casts. Unlike Antonio, however, Gianfrancesco in addition produced exquisite bronzes of his own devising, of which the present piece is without question one of the most imaginative. In this instance, therefore, the signature it bears – ‘FRAN.SVSINI F.’ – denotes both the inventor of the model and the caster.
What immediately differentiates it from one of Giambologna’s bronzes is the relative informality of the composition, in which the seated and almost entirely nude figure of David is at the centre of the design, but is in effect surrounded by other and diffuse elements which open it out. He is seated on a 'sgabello', a kind of stool whose design is typical of Gianfrancesco’s time and absolutely not of the period of the Old Testament, and balances Goliath’s gigantic sword upright with his right hand. All is tranquillity now, but this detail serves as a reminder that he has just employed it to sever his opponent’s head from his absent body. That colossal bearded head is at David’s feet, and in death it bears an oddly peaceful expression which underlines the fact that the recent conflict between the victorious youth and the giant champion of the Philistines is a thing of the past. A rapidly executed preparatory drawing in red chalk of 1618 and a clay model (both in the Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence), although clearly preliminary studies made in connection with the bronze, are profoundly different in character: they underline the fact that the end result, for all its apparent effortlessness, was not easily arrived at.
- Material/technique
- bronze, brown varnish over golden-brown patina
- Measurements
- 30.0 × 17.0 × 19.0 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 1658 by Prince Karl Eusebius I von Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Giovanni Francesco Susini
- Inventory number
- SK 565
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- sign. am linken Rand und auf der Rückseite des Schemels: FRAN.SVSINI F.
- Provenance
- first mentioned in the Guardaroba inventory of Prince Karl Eusebius I von Liechtenstein, dated 1658, presumably acquired in 1658 by Prince Karl Eusebius von Liechtenstein
- Place of origin
- Florence
- Iconography
- David with the Head of Goliath
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