Dame flamende. Dame Hollandoise. Fol. 10 from the series 'La mode des habits des femmes'
Michel van Lochom (1601–1647)
this site may contain automatically translated text- Material/technique
- Copper engraving, bound
- Measurements
- 145 × 200 mm
- Acquisition
- historical family property
- Artists/makers/authors
- Michel van Lochom
- Inventory number
- GR 4627
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
Bez. oben links: Dame flamende
Bez. oben rechts: Dame Hollandoise
Bez. unter der Abbildung links: La flamande seroit plus belle / Si ce nestoit la vanite / de son linge et de sa dantelle / qui cache sa blanche beauté
Bez. unter der Abbildung rechts: Il Semble aussy que cette fraise / ait pris cet aueugle desseing. / de mettre la'mour en malaise / huis cachant la gorge et le sein.
Bez. unten links: 10
Bez. unten Mitte: M. van Lochem excu
- Provenance
- historical family property
- Iconography
- female portrait, not identified
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Michel van Lochom
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