Bouquet of Flowers in a Niche
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder (1573–1621)
c. 1616/19
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Ambrosius Bosschaert was the founder and most gifted member of an artistic dynasty of Dutch still-life painters, which comprised his sons Ambrosius the Younger, Johannes, and Abraham, and his brother-in-law, Balthasar van der Ast. He was among the first artists to specialise in the painting of still life, which only truly came into its own as a separate artistic genre towards the end of the sixteenth century. Prior to that time, there had been very occasional experiments in independent still life, but in the main such subjects as flowers or fruit only featured as elements within larger compositions in the established genres of religious art, mythology, and portraiture.
Within the field of still life, Ambrosius confined himself to the painting of flower still lifes, of which this is a singularly subtle and fine example. Framed by a curved stone niche, the flowers explode out of a murky glass vase, within which their bunched stems may just be discerned. They are almost without exception irises, roses, and – still a novelty at this date – tulips, and are few in number. This means that each bloom is in effect singled out for individual contemplation, but on the other hand their colour range is wide, with plain whites, cool blues, and pale pinks set against hot and radiant reds, yellows, and oranges. In addition to the flowers, Bosschaert has also included a choice selection of insects: a spectacular beetle at top left; a caterpillar crawling along a tulip stem; a spider; a fly; and a cricket. At the base of the composition, the artist has signed his work ‘AB.’ in the form of a monogram explicitly based upon that of arguably the greatest of all observers of the minutiae of the natural world, namely Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528).
- Material/technique
- oil on panel
- Measurements
- 35.1 × 22.9 cm
- Acquisition
- acquired in 2000 by Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein
- Artists/makers/authors
- Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder
- Inventory number
- GE 57
- Signature/inscriptions content only available in German
- links unten bez.: AB. (ligiert)
- Provenance
1923 Walter Steer Collection, Bournemouth; 23. 11. 1956
Sale Walter Steer Collection, Christie's London, lot 110; art dealer
Duits, London; Sidney J. van den Bergh, Wassenaar; art trade
Speelman, London; acquired before 2000, private collection, USA; acquired in 2000 from
Nissl Gallery, Eschen
- Iconography
- Still life of flowers
Marie-Louise Hairs, Les peintres flamands de fleurs au XVIIe Siècle, Paris - Bruxelles 1955, S. 1589
Ausst.-Kat. Sinn und Sinnlichkeit. Das flämische Stillleben 1550–1680, Kulturstiftung Ruhr, Villa Hügel, Essen 1.9.2002–8.12.2002, erschienen Linden 2002, S. 294-295 u. 360, Kat. 99
Irene Haberland, (1) Ambrosius Bosschaert (i), in: Jane Turner (Hg.), The Dictionary of Art, London–New York 1996, Bd. 4, S. 466–467, 467
Ausst.-Kat. Het Hollandse Stilleven 1150-1950, erschienen Eindhoven 1957, Kat. 11
Ausst.-Kat. Holland's Golden Age, erschienen Tel Aviv 1959, Kat. 22
Ausst.-Kat. Twe Nederlandse collecties schilderijen, erschienen Laren 1959, Abb. 17, Kat. 29
L.J. Bol, The Bosschaert Dynasty. Painters of flowers and fruit, Leigh-on-Sea 1960, S. 21-22, 29 u. 65, Abb. Nr. 34, Taf. 22 (als 1616-19 datiert)
Ausst.-Kat. Bloem en tuim in de Vlaamse kunst, erschienen Gent 1960, Kat. 15
Ausst.-Kat. Nederlandse stilleven uit de zeventiende eeuw, erschienen Dordrecht 1962, Abb. Taf. 24, Kat. 26
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A. Blankert - W.L. van der Watering, Verzameling Sidney J. van den Bergh, Wassenaar 1968, Kat. 28
L. J. Bol, Holländische Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts nahe den grossen Meistern. Landschaften und Stilleben, Braunschweig 1969, S. 25, Abb. 20
Norbert Schneider, Vom Klostergarten zur Tulpomanie. Hinweise zur materiellen Vorgeschichte des Blumenstillebens, in: Ausst.-Kat. Stilleben in Europa, Westfälisches Landesmuseum Münster, Baden-Baden 1979/80, S. 294 ff. u. 315
S. Segal, Masters of Middelburg, exhibition at Waterman Gallery, Amsterdam, in honour of L.J. Bol 1984, S. 36, Anm. 19 (als datiert 1619)
Marie-Louise Hairs, Les peintres flamands des fleurs au XVIIe siècle, 3. Aufl., 2 Bände, Bd. 2 Bände, Paris 1985, S. 206
Ausst.-Kat. Dutch and Flemish Paintings from New York Private Collections, erschienen New York 1988, S. 37, Nr. 5, Abb. S. 21
U. Kleinmann, Rahmen und Gerahmtes. Das Spiel mit Darstellung und Bedeutung. Eine Untersuchung des illusionistischen Rahmenmotivs im OEuvre Gerrit Dous (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 28, 256), Frankfurt a.M. 1996, S. 58
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Le Collezioni, München 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 387, Kat. X.26
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Vienna. The Collections, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 387, Kat. X.26
Johann Kräftner, Andrea Stockhammer, Liechtenstein Museum Wien. Die Sammlungen, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), München–Berlin–London–New York 2004, S. 422, Abb. S. 387, Kat. X.26
Ausst.-Kat. Der Fürst als Sammler. Neuerwerbungen unter Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein, Johann Kräftner (Hg.), Liechtenstein Museum, Wien 12.2.2010–24.8.2010, erschienen Wien 2010, Abb. S. 208
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein (Book Series for the National Museum of China International Exchange), Lu Zhangshen (Hg.), National Museum of China, Beijing 5.11.2013–15.2.2014, erschienen Beijing 2013, S. 34, 222, 228, Abb. 228, Kat. 99
Ausst.-Kat. Rubens, Van Dyck and the Flemish School of Painting. Masterpieces from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Shi Dawei (Hg.), China Art Museum, Shanghai 12.3.2014–2.6.2014, erschienen Shanghai 2014, S. 326, Kat.-Nr. 99
Ausst.-Kat. Crown of the Alps. Masterworks from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, National Palace Museum, Taipei 17.4.2015–31.8.2015, erschienen Taipei City 2015, S. 164–165, Kat.-Nr. 54
Ausst.-Kat. Von Rubens bis Makart. Die Fürstlichen Sammlungen Liechtenstein, Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Hg.), Albertina, Wien 16.2.2019–10.6.2019, erschienen Köln 2019, S.105–107, Kat.-Nr. 19
Ausst.-Kat. From Rubens to Makart. LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Hg.), Albertina, Wien 16.2.2019–10.6.2019, erschienen Köln 2019, S. 105–107, Kat.-Nr. 19
Johann Kräftner, Between Old and New Worlds, in: Ausst.-Kat.A Jewel Box from Europe. Treasures from the collections of the Prince of LIECHTENSTEIN, TNC Procect (Hg.), Prefectural Art Museum, Hiroshima 18 September 2020–29 November 2020; The Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokyo 12 October 2019–23 december 2019; Utsonimiya Museum of Art, Utsunomiya 12 January 2020–24 February 2020; Oita Prefectural Art Museum, Oita 6 March 2020–19 April 2020; Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, Tokyo 2 May 2020–5 July 2020; The Miyagi Museum of Art, Miyagi 14 July 2020–6 September 2020, erschienen Tokyo 2019, S. 14–27, S. 26, Abb. 26