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Franz I Being Solemnly Received at Rome by the Holy Father Pius VII, 2 April 1819. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem... Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
His Majesty Emperor Franz I Crossing the Vosges on the Second Advance into France on 2 July 1815. From the series 'Haupt... momente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
HM Emperor Franz I presenting to Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, the Imperial-Royal 9th Hussars regiment that bears his n... ame, at Jungbunzlau on 19 September 1833. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Franz I blessing Ferdinand V before his coronation as younger King of Hungary on 28 September 1830. From the series 'Hau... ptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Vienna Seen from an Elevation near Gersthof
Count J. Hunyadi's sorrel mare Marianne by Cato out of Maria. From a series
Count Jos. Hunyady calls the 4-year-old light brown mare Christine, by Figaro. From a series