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The Military Gala in the Prater, held on the first anniversary of the Battle of Leipzig, and glorified by the presence o... f the ruling monarch, 18 October 1814. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Welcoming the High Allies, the Emperor of Russia Alexander I and the King of Prussia Frederick William III at the Vienna... Lines on 25 September 1814. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Ceremonial Entry of His Majesty the Emperor into Vienna on 16 June 1814. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr.... Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
The Entry of His Majesty Emperor Franz I into Paris on 15 April 1814. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Ma... jestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
The Battle of Leipzig, 1813. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich,... apostol. Königs'
The Coronation of Her Majesty the Empress and Queen Maria Ludovica at Pressburg on 17 September 1808. From the series 'H... auptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Consoling Sick and Wounded Soldiers at a Field Hospital near Lugos, 1789. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr... . Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
The Great Reconnaissance at Avalla and Krotzka near Belgrade on 16 September 1789. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem... Leben Sr. Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Coronation of the Roman-German Emperor at Frankfurt am Main in 1792. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Maj... estät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Franz Swears to Uphold the Hungarian Constitution at Buda on 6 June 1792. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr... . Majestät Franz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
The Institution of the Austrian Order of St Leopold in 1808. From the series 'Hauptmomente aus dem Leben Sr. Majestät Fr... anz I. Kaisers von Oesterreich, apostol. Königs'
Family Vault of the Princes of Liechtenstein at Wranau in Moravia
19th century
The Family Vault of the Princes of Liechtenstein at Wranau in Moravia